John Milton - Poet
Jed Bartlet - POTUS
R.C. Sproul - Author
Marc Antony - Governor of Italy
OF Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit
Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal tast
Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,
Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed,
In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth
Rose out of Chaos: or if Sion Hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flow'd
Fast by the Oracle of God; I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventrous Song,
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it.
Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest–
For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men–
Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
But Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.
You can’t just trot out Ephesians—which he blew, by the way! It has nothing to do with husbands and wives. It’s all of us. St. Paul begins the passage, “Be subject to one another out of reverence to Christ.” … “Be subject to one another …” In this day and age of 24-hour cable crap devoted to feeding the voyeuristic gluttony of an American public hooked on a bad soap opera that’s passing itself off as important, don’t you think you might be able to find some relevance in verse 21? How do we end the cycle? “Be subject to one another."
John Doe - Citizen
Jim Gordon - Commissioner of the GCPD
Jonathan Edwards - Author
Jack Ryan - Analyist
James Marshal - POTUS
L.B. Jefferies - Photographer
Lisa Carol Fremont - Socialite
Alfred Hitchock - Film Director
Thomas Doyle - Det. Lt.
Jane Doe - Citizen
Ebenezer Scrooge - Money Lender
Jacob Marley - Ghost
Julius Caesar - Emperor
L. V. Beethoven - Composer
Toby Ziegler - Pol. Activist
Rep. Andy Wyatt MD 5th (D)
George Bailey - CEO of Bailey Bld & Loan
Rhett Butler - Sexy Beast
John Robier - Cat Burgler
Bilbo Baggins - Old Hobbit
Aragon Elessar - King of Gondor
Arwen Undomiel - Queen of Gondor
Luthien Tinuviel - Princess of Doriath
David Lean - Film Director
Smaug the Terrible - Dragon
Glaurung the Great Worm - Dragon
Eragon Bromson - Dragon rider
St. Augustine - Bishop of Hippo
Jack Bauer - Certified Badass
Theodore Roosevelt - POTUS
George Washington - POTUS
Jeremy Bentham - Headless Man